Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Natural beayut of Bangladesh

 Bangladeshis called a land of natural beauties. She is nature’s darling child.
Bangladeshis a land of rivers. So many rivers have flowed through the country making it a beautiful waterland. The beauty of the rivers of Bangladeshis like a dream. The banks of the rivers present an unbroken view of a variety of sights which enchant the eyes. The grand spectacle of the rivers on a moonlit night is simply bewitching.
The Bay of Bengalis another beautiful gift of nature. The blue water of the sea and its rising waves are always a pleasant sight which cools our turbulent mind within a moment. The sea-beach of Cox’s Bazar is a nice place for the nature lovers. It is the longest sea-beach in the world.The Saint MartinIslandis a gift of nature in the Bay of Bengal. The Sundarbans, largest mangrove forest of the world is another bountiful gift of nature. Its wild life and mysterious setting makes it more charming.
There is always the play of light and shade in the land. She enjoys the pleasure of sunny weather, luxury of colours and throws an appeal of an unending expanse of greenery. Her green fields overflowing with golden crops, the spotless blue and cloudy sky, her moonlit and pitch-dark night¬¬¬¬¬- all these present scenes of romantic charm and beauty. In Bangladesh, six seasons in their distinctive roles, come in procession and adorn our land with exquisite beauty.
There are some hilly areas in Bangladesh which are the home of natural beauty. The tea gardens in the hill slopes in Sylhet are charming spots.the smalls hills in Mymensingh area are also very beautiful landscapes.The presence of tribal people there makes this place more beautiful. Rangamati, Khagrachari and Bandarbans are the three hilly districts where nature has opened her wings of beauty. The beautiful lakes and fountains of crystal-clear water are easily noticeable here which charm us all.
The natural beauties have made this country the homeland of many animals and birds. So, no one can deny that Bangladeshis a matchless beauty spot in the world.
Bangladesh is one of the few countries in South Asia, offering plentiful green land with a rich and glorious history. Bangladesh possesses a prosperous culture and heritage. It is a land of delightful natural beauty with a chain of great rivers and clear lakes surrounded by green hills, exotic tropical rain forests and beautiful green tea gardens. Come and explore the world's largest mangrove forest in Bangladesh, preserved as World Heritage and is also a home of the Royal Bengal tiger and wild life. Also visit world's longest natural sea beach and the remains of ancient Buddhist civilization along with vibrant tribal life. So experience a perfect combination of adventure and beauty on your tour to Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is proud of its vast rivers and tributaries, therefore affectionately called "the Land of Rivers" by its people. The major rivers of Bangladesh are Chitra, Dakatia, Dhaleshwari, Ganga, Gorai, Kobadak, Matamuuri, Sangu and Tista. The River Ganga after entering Bangladesh gets called 'Padma'. Every year these rivers enrich the soil and make it more fertile. At the same time they also cause immense loss of lives and wealth when the devastating floods occurs.

Natural beauty of bangladesh
The best way to see the real beauty of Bangladesh and its rivers is by taking a boat trip on the rivers. A trip from Dhaka to Khulna on board the famous Paddle Steamer through some big and small rivers gives you the opportunity to witness this unique beauty.
angladesh the most incredible awesome green country in the World. Bangladesh has lots of many unlimited natural amazing stunning nature beauty. Natural awesome amazing beautiful scene on this website. We have collected and taken some awesome picture HD Image by Md Jafrul Islam. Here  has selectively given some awesome stunning magnificent beauty of Bangladesh natural scene on web. Get the real amazing HD viewing free Images wallpaper picture photo from this website. Like it must share it. Get us bookmark for next awesome updates posts. Give your review/comments.
Rangamati is the Administrative Headquarter of Rangamati Hill District in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. Rangamati is a small town amongst the green hills, lakes and rivers. This is what makes it a prime Bangladesh hill destination. It is known as the Lake City of Bangladesh as this place on the bank of the beautiful Kaptai Lake. Rangamati Hill District is the largest district of Bangladesh and 77 kilometers away from Chittagong. For long time Rangamati has been a prime Bangladesh tourist destination for its location, scenic beauty, colorful tribal people, tribal homespun textiles and ivory jewellery.
The rich natural resources, diverse flora and fauna makes Rangamati a Eco-Tourism destination. The road leading to Rangamati circles and winds through hilly terrains covered with lush green forests and creates a memorable experience for years to come. A stay here provides a glimpse into the lifestyle of various tribes living there. The ethnic tribes of Rangamati are the Chakma, Marma, Tonchongya, Tripura, Murong, Bome, Khumi, Kheyang, Chak, Pankhoa, and Lusai. The mix of different races, cultures, religions and customs creates an interesting community at Rangamati. It is said that without visiting Rangamati a tourist will miss a colorful slice of Bangladesh.
Visit Rangamati during October to February as the temperature remains cool and usually there is no rainfall, however, the beauty of Rangamati unleashes during the monsoon as the forest becomes greener, bursts with life and the rivers and waterfalls becomes replenished.
Rangamati Tourist Attractions : Kaptai Lake : This large manmade lake of Bangladesh spanning over an area of approximately 11000km2, was created as a reservoir when the Kaptai dam was built during the 1960s. The lake was created by flooding valleys and plain lands between numerous hills. This created a picturesque view as forested hills and plateaus rise from beneath the water. The government run tourism corporation and private operators offer Kaptai Lake Cruise Tours, which is worth of it. Other scenic spots are also accessible through the waterways.

Natural beauty of Bangladesh
Shuvolong Falls : Shuvolong a place in Borokol sub district, located about 25kilometers (11kilometers – as the crow flies) away from Rangamati. There are few waterfalls in Shuvolong area with the largest one falling from as high as 300 feet. In the past several years, this place has turned into a tourist destination due to beautiful waterfalls and the nearby market. Shuvolong is easily accessible by speed boat or motor boats from Rangamati.
Bangladesh has been aptly described as a new state in an ancient land. Much has been written about the past glory of Bangladesh, notably in old records like the evidence of Pliny and Periplus of the Erythrean Sea (first century AD). It was drawn in Ptolemy's map. These indicate that from the earliest times Bangladesh was known to the West, particularly for its Muslin, the finest fabric the world has ever produced. Travellers and scholars who were attracted by the charms and fame of Bangladesh since time immemorial had showered effusive epithets on its bounties and wealth, affluence and prosperity, craftsmanship and cultural advancement.
They include the Chinese travellers Fa-hien (fourth century AD), Hue-an-tsung (seventh century), Ma-hoen and Fei-shin (fifteenth century), Ibne Batuta (fourteenth century) from Africa, Nicola Kanti (fifteenth century) and Ceasar the Frederik (sixteenth century) from Venice, Verthema, an Italian in the sixteenth century, Barbosa and Sebastin Manric (sixteenth century) from Portugal, Travernier and Bernier from France (seventeenth century) and Queen Elizabeth-the First's ambassador Ralf Fish.
To Ibne Batuta, Bangladesh was a 'hell full of bounties and wealthiest and cheapest land of the world.' So great were the attractions of Bangladesh that to quote Bernier 'it has a hundred gates open for entrance but not one for departure.' Ladies of Imperial Rome were literally crazy for Bangladesh's Muslin and luxury items, which according to Pliny, resulted in serious drain of gold of the Empire. Because of its location, Bangladesh served as a flourishing entry port and intermediary in trade and commerce between South Asia and the Far East. The region also played a seminal role in disseminating its belief art and architecture in the wider world of Asia. Ancient Bangladesh took great pride as a coveted seat of learning and education and scholars from far away countries regularly flocked to its numerous universities and monasteries.
Etymologically, the word Bangladesh is derived from the cognate Vanga which was first mentioned in Aitarey Aranyaka, a Hindu scripture composed between 500 BC and 500 AD. Literally it means a wetland. Muslim merchants of Arab origin used to refer it as Bangalah from which its present nomenclature is believed to have gradually evolved.
Geological evidence indicates that much of Bangladesh was formed 1 to 6.5 million years ago during the tertiary era. Human habitation in this region, therefore, is likely to be very old with the evidence of Palaeolithic civilization dating back to about 1,00,000 years.

Natural beauty of Bangladesh
Bangladesh has an area of 148,393 sq km and occupies the apex of the arch formed by the Bay of Bengal into which all the rivers flowing through the country drain. Bangladesh has one of the most complex river systems in the world numbering about 230 with their tributaries having a total length of about 24,140 km. The climate of Bangladesh is characterised by high temperature and high humidity, heavy rainfall and marked seasonal variation. Daily temperature ranges from 10� C to 12� C in the cool months and in the other months it varies between 28� C and 40� C. Soil of Bangladesh may be divided into three main categories, namely hill soils (Chittagong and Sylhet regions), terrace soils (Barind and Madhupur tracts) and alluvial and flood plain soils.
Bangladesh contains greater biodiversity than that of many countries taken together. Indeed few countries in the world can match its rich and varied flora and fauna which are not only aunique biological phenomenon but are also a great natural resource of the country.
Bangladeshis are historically descendants of various races and nationalities. An Austro-Asian race first inhabited this region followed by Dravidians and Aryans. There was also an influx of the Mongolians from Tibet and Mayanmar. The Arab Muslims started coming here in the early ninth century AD. Persians, Armenians, Turks, Afghans and lastly the Mughals came in quick succession.
The landscape of Bangladesh, as if, looks like a magical tapestry in green woven intricately by nature. Across the tropic of cancer it lies in the north-eastern part of South Asia between latitudes 20� - 34' and 26� 38' north and longitudes 88� 01' and 92� 41' east. The country is fenced by India on the west, north and the Northeast, Myanmar on the Southeast and the Bay of Bengal on the south. Strategically located Bangladesh is virtually a bridge between south and Southeast Asia. It has a landmass of 1,48,393 sq. km criss-crossed by a network of several major rivers, their numerous tributaries and canals forming a lace of interconnecting channels. In fact, Bangladesh is the largest riverine delta in the world. The extensive river systems are fundamental to the country's economy and the people's way of life. Its low flat alluvial deltaic plains present an enchanting vista of vast verdant green fields sweeping the horizon. Bangladesh has some of the world's most fertile agricultural lands accounting for abundant growth of various crops. The north-eastern and south-eastern parts of the country are dotted with small hills and ridges, their average elevations being 244m and 610m respectively. The highest peak Keokradong in the south-east end of Bandarban district 1230 meters above the sea level. hus with its variegated topographical features Bangladesh appears like a vibrant motif splashed with enchanting beauty and serenity.
Bangladeshis are essentially simple in nature. Since time immemorial they are noted for their valour and resilience as well as hospitality and friendliness. Bangladeshis are also equally known for their creativity. They have an innate quality of open mindedness. Communal or ethnic feeling is alien to them and despite diverse racial mix from pre-historic days they are, by and large, a homogeneous group. Almost all the people speak and understand Bangla, a language which occupies an exalted position because of the richness of its literature. Generally speaking, fish, rice and lentils constitute the main diet of the masses, the vast majority of whom live in the country's villages. A cottonlungi and a jersey called kurta are the common attire for men in rural areas. The urban people have, however, largely adapted to western costume. Sari is women's universal dress, both in the cities and countryside.

 Beauty of Bangladesh
Bangladeshi women are traditionally adored for their charm, beauty and elegance. They are now increasingly adapting themselves to changing needs of time; working shoulder to shoulder with the men-folk in fields, factories and offices. In fact, they can be found in all professions and there is no exclusive male domain. Agriculture and its related fields still provide the main livelihood of the people. The expanding industrial and service sectors together with trade and commerce offer increasing alternate occupations for the people.
There are about a million, mostly Mongoloid origin, tribal people, the majority of whom live in Hill Tracts districts. They zealously guard their customs, traditions and cultural heritage which are quite distinct from one another and, till to date, largely remain unspoilt. For their living, they mainly depend on traditional cultivation called jhum and cottage craft in which they greatly excel.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Natural beauty of Ireland

 Ireland’s most natural-looking beautiful woman hails from Belmont, Milltown.
The fresh and radiant looks of young PE teacher Michelle Hyland dazzled skincare experts who were searching for the country’s Most Natural Beauty.
The opposition, run by Clearasil, asked women to send in their favourite natural headshot along with a few words describing what inner and outer beauty means to them.
After going through hundreds of entries, the photo of the Milltown woman rested at the top of the pile, and the judges were hugely impressed by her application.
Michelle, aged 24 years, recently graduated from University of Limerick as a qualified PE teacher. She and her parents Breda and Michael were shocked at learning she had won the competition.
“I got the phone call out of the blue to say I had won. I really couldn’t believe it,” says the bubbly teacher, who has three sisters and one brother.
Although you wouldn’t think it, Michelle has a phobia of being photographed. As part of the competition she explained how she never really smiled until last year, after she underwent extensive surgery for the correction of an underbite.
Natural beauty of Ireland
“I told them a bit of how I grew up with an underbite and last year I had my jaw reconstructed. It’s a bit of cliché but I never really smiled before that and wore braces for five years,” explains Michelle.
Surgery changed everything
“I was very conscious about the underbite and the surgery really has changed everything,” she adds.
The surgery was planned during the summer months while Michelle was off college and she admits it was a long and tough recovery. However she is delighted that she did it and is now really enjoying smiling.
Michelle, who has just qualified as a PE and geography teacher from UL, has determined to take some time out to travel and will head to Australia over the coming weeks.
As the overall winner, Michelle enjoyed a personal photoshoot with a top photographer and had stylists and hair and composition artists on hand to help. Her prize included a €500 voucher for Dundrum Town Centre and a hamper of Clearasil goodies. She also appeared on TV3’s Xposé.
“The voucher was gone in a few hours,” laughs Michelle, who claims she has no time for men in her life at the moment.
She really enjoyed the pampering and style of the photoshoot and it’s something she could get used to, but she feels that would only be a “dream world”.
“The day was especially amazing because for me, as a PE teacher, daily schedule is very casual and unglamorous, so this was a very special experience for me,” she said.
“It was probably the most exciting thing that happened in my life so far,” remarked Michelle.
Hazel Roche, brand manager for Clearasil, said, “Michelle was a deserving winner. Not only was she a natural beauty but her personality also shone through and we were happy to have chosen her for this year’s competition.”

Natural beauty of Ireland
 Ireland’s most natural-looking beautiful woman hails from Belmont, Milltown.
The fresh and radiant looks of young PE teacher Michelle Hyland dazzled skincare experts who were searching for the country’s Most Natural Beauty.
The competition, run by Clearasil, asked women to send in their favourite natural headshot along with a few words describing what inner and outer beauty means to them.
After going through hundreds of entries, the photo of the Milltown woman rested at the top of the pile, and the judges were hugely fearful by her application.
Michelle, aged 24 years, recently graduated from University of ode as a qualified PE teacher. She and her parents Breda and Michael were shocked at learning she had won the competition.
“I got the phone call out of the blue to say I had won. I really couldn’t believe it,” says the bubbly teacher, who has three sisters and one brother.
Although you wouldn’t think it, Michelle has a phobia of being photographed. As part of the competition she explained how she never really smiled until last year, after she underwent extensive surgery for the correction of an underbite.
“I told them a bit of how I grew up with an underbite and last year I had my jaw reconstructed. It’s a bit of cliché but I never really smiled before that and wore braces for five years,” explains Michelle.
Surgery changed everything

Natural beauty of Ireland
“I was very conscious about the underbite and the surgery really has misused everything,” she adds.
The surgery was planned during the summer months while Michelle was off college and she admits it was a long and tough recovery. However she is overjoyed that she did it and is now really enjoying smiling.
Michelle, who has just qualified as a PE and geography teacher from UL, has decided to take some time out to travel and will head to Australia over the coming weeks.
As the overall winner, Michelle enjoyed a personal photoshoot with a top photographer and had stylists and hair and makeup artists on hand to help. Her prize included a €500 voucher for Dundrum Town Centre and a hamper of Clearasil goodies. She also appeared on TV3’s Xposé.
“The voucher was gone in a few hours,” laughs Michelle, who claims she has no time for men in her life at the moment.
She really enjoyed the pampering and style of the photoshoot and it’s something she could get used to, but she feels that would only be a “dream world”.
“The day was especially amazing because for me, as a PE teacher, daily routine is very casual and unglamorous, so this was a very special experience for me,” she said.
“It was probably the most exciting thing that happened in my life so far,” remarked Michelle.
Hazel Roche, brand manager for Clearasil, said, “Michelle was a deserving winner. Not only was she a natural beauty bar her personality also shone through and we were delighted to have chosen her for this year’s competition.”
One thing we loved about the traveling in Ireland was the real diversity in sights to see. In the morning we might be driving through the Wicklow Mountains, but in the hours of daylight we could be exploring an aged castle. We saw natural beauty: cascading waterfalls, rocky coasts, pristine lakes, lush mountains and dramatic cliffs. But we had a nice blend of things created by man: abandoned monasteries, ancient burial sites, ornate churches, and castles (old and not-so-old). We even spent some time exploring the showroom of Waterford Crystal in Waterford, which was full of hand-crafted gem, small and large.
The Burren, from the Irish Boíreann meaning “a rocky place,” is a limestone-laden region in northwest County Clare. The area encompasses 155 square miles, spring by the Atlantic Ocean and Galway Bay. A small portion earns the peculiarity as one of the Republic of Ireland’s six national parks.
In 1651, one of Oliver Cromwell’s army officers remarked, “It is a country where there is not water enough to drown a man, wood enough to hang one, nor earth enough to bury them. This last is so scarce that the inhabitants steal it from one another and yet their cattle are very fat. The grass grows in tufts of earth of two or three foot square which lies between the limestone rocks and is very sweet and nourishing
Ireland is a rich country when it comes to sights and activities, from old to ancient, shreouded in myth, to the young and vibrant. There are also various actions for instance sports, beauty and music. If you are planning to spend your holiday in Ireland, then you will definitely encounter plenty to see and do. This will most expected be your dream holiday!
Whether you have been to the country of Ireland prior to or it is your first time, one of the best ways to get around when it comes to sightseeing is to hire a car to take you to various destinations. Although tours are perhaps more widely advertised as the best way for foreigners to get around to a range of destinations, there are quite a few limitations to taking a tour.
Make sure that you hire the kind of car that will be reasonable and that will fit your budget as planned. However; here are the things to watch out for while on your holiday:
Experience Irish night life:
Make sure that you visit all the beautiful places but when visiting a large city for instance like Dublin or Limerick, the best thing for you to do is to experience the night life. Night life, in America basically refers to a crowd of people in their twenties or early thirties going to the clubs to dance. Irelands night life seem to be different, for instance, as there might seem to be fewer in town during the day, they pour into the town at night hitting one pub after the other. At this time, they are eager to talk to new public and make new friends as well.
The tourist attractions at major cities are pretty interesting. Try to visit the famous guiness factory, it is a bit over rated and at times seem to be more of an advert than a tour. However try get there as this is definitively a lay to see.
See Ireland's natural beauty:

Natural beauty of Ireland
When you feel that you are done in and have probably visited every place in the city, drive out to the coast near Killarney, note the beaten up, tiny roads. The drive alone can be an adventure. The Cliffs of Mother is yet another must see, that is why it is important to hire a car.
Spending your holiday in Ireland will make you understanding much more than you might expect. A car hire tour could be perfect if you are a first time traveler. You will experience an amazing holiday that you will come to love again and again!
About the Author:
Our website provides more information about Dublin Airport Car Hire More information can be found on Shannon Airport Car Hire here
Jane and Myles Lamberth’s “The Surf coffee bar Cookbook” is crammed full of the couple’s two passions “a love of food and outdoor living”.
The Lamberth’s met eight years ago working in a hotel in Newquay, Cornwall in the south west England. They spent the subsequent summers working by the sea in Cornwall and surfing and the winders running chalets in ski resorts in the Alps. Eventually they decided they needed to settle down and in March 2010 their moved to the west of Ireland and opened Shells Café.
Their books is on their experiences, the lifestyle and their love of food.
Strandhill, in County Sligo, is where bombs Café and their new life was born. They had simple goals to exceed expectations and never disappoint, Shells soon developed a cult following as a flourishing eatery serving delicious, wholesome natural foods.
Among the first visitors to the café was Louise Searle, editor of SurfGirl Magazine based in Newquay. She saw that Jane and Myles had something very special going on at Shells and decided it would make a great story.
“I was stunned by the beauty of the coastline and hugely impressed by the fantastic food served at Shells. I thinking their food adventures could be shared.”
Six months later the book project was on the move and local photographer Mike Searle was dispatched to Ireland to photograph the pictures. The book brings the reader into the world of Shells and the outdoor lifestyle Jane and Myles now enjoy on the beautiful Atlantic coast.
Jane explains “We use fresh, organic, seasonal produce – vegetables straight from the soil, and fish from the bountiful Atlantic.”
Recipes in the book include Clonakilty Black Pudding and Crispy Bacon Breakfast Salad, Guinness And Beef Stew, Vegetable Gratin With Durrus Cheese, West Coast Chowder, Thai Pumpkin Broth, Surfer’s Salad, Sardine Bruschetta, Apple And Donegal Rapeseed Oil Cake, and Irish Whiskey Pudding.
The book also takes a look at the culture and times past of the attractive Strandhill area, as well as the multitude of exciting outdoor activities on offer and an assortment of interesting characters from the region are profiled, among them artists, musicians, fishermen, craftsmen, and surfers.
Here’s a sample of some of the scrumptious recipes in the book:

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Natural beauty of Malaysia

Malaysia an exhilarating of natural beauty wonders. Verdant mountains, steamy forests and beautiful rivers, graceful royally buildings, contemporary high rise buildings, well designed green spaces and vibrant cities makes Malaysia a radiant, bustling melting pot of races and religions where Malays, Indians, Chinese and many other ethnic groups. One of Malaysia’s key attractions is its extreme contrasts, from ancient reefs to contemporary buildings. Multiculturalism has made Malaysia not only a gastronomical paradise but a land of colourful festivals. Malaysians are very laid back, warm and friendly. Vacations in Malaysia are experiences that are different, thrilling and wonderful memories of a exciting holiday.
Step Back in Time in Georgetown, Penang: Stroll through the heart of Georgetown basking in the old-time shops bringing back recollections of times gone by. Its UNESCO World Heritage Site status, makes historical preservation extremely carefully, and elegant examples. These streets have some of the best opportunities for travel taking photos. Book Cheap Malaysia Holidays and relive times that have gone by.
Embrace Religious Harmony in Melaka: Melaka’s “Street of accord” stands as a ray of hope for peace among the world’s disparate religions. Along Jalan Tokong, the Taoist Cheng Hoon Teng temple, the Muslim Kampung Kling mosque, and the Hindu Sri Poyatha Vinayagar Moohi temple are friendly neighbors, signifying how the three main religions of Malaysia coexist peacefully. Located in Melaka’s historical Chinatown district, a great source of pride for locals, and visitors are warmly welcomed while booking Malaysia Holiday Packages.
Natural beauty of Malaysia
Enticing Marine Life: Malaysian dive sites like Pulau Redang, Layang-Layang, and Sipadan are known as some of the world’s finest dive spots, but there’s no call for for PADI certification to enjoy the sights in Malaysia’s waters. Wade into almost any cove in the Sea with a loaf of bread, and within minutes, you’ll be surrounded by a swarm of brilliantly dyed fish, swirling around and plucking bread from your fingertips. Rent snorkel or dive gear to see rays, sea turtles, and even small sharks while on Malaysia Holidays.
Shop for Local Crafts: Visitors who make it to Kuala Terengganu on Peninsular Malaysia’s East Coast are rewarded with the ultimate Asian craft experience. Home to many of the country’s best cottage industries, markets here offers established batik cloth, sarongs, and clothing; songket cloth woven with gold and silver threads; indigo-dyed ikat cloth made into table runners, bed covers, and place settings; basketry of all shapes and sizes; silver worked into hammered house wares or delicate filigree jewelry; brass twisted into elaborate urns and curio boxes; plus cultural souvenirs like wau (colorful kites), gasing (Malay style tops), and keris (wavy-bladed daggers). Book Cheap Malaysia Holidays and shop for thrilling bargains of handmade, exotic products of local crafts of the islands.
Natural beauty of Malaysia
Malaysia is a land of many cultures. It is the most attractive and gripping holiday destination in south East Asia. It comprises of lush green greenery, exciting island beaches, natural beauty, exotic flora and fauna of national parks. Malaysia tour packages offers tourists to explore the unmatched beauty of finest beaches of the world. It also offers inspiring natural beauty and various mesmerizing man made tourists attractions of that place. With Malaysia tours you can discover Kuala Lumpur, Genting Highland, Penang, Langkawi and many more. These places are not only blessed with natural brilliance but modern architectural magnificence. Malaysia tour package takes you to a flight to experience Malaysia in all its cultural richness and natural splendor. On your Malaysia tour you can enjoy cosmopolitan sights to vast richness of rain forests to cultural sights and many more. If you are looking for a family vacation, incentive tour, conference enclose or honeymoon then Malaysia tour package offers you assistance for all. It can offer readymade packages as well as customized tour package for you as per your requirement and need. If you opt for Malaysia tour package for Malaysian tour then it comprises of your air fare, room, sightseeing in it. There are many efficient operators who understand your needs and customize your trip as per your requirement and your budget. Malaysia tourism in cooperation with its people annually organizes a large number of events to promote the tourism of the country. These events are specially designed to promote Malaysia tourism. The Gawai Dayak Festival, the Penang Floral festival, the Melaka river fiesta and the famous Malaysian sports carnival are organized to attract more and more tourists in Malaysia tour. This helps to promote new investments in the country while providing increased service oppertunities. In fact the growth of Malaysian tourism will contribute easily to the economic development of the country. If you desire breathe taking experience on your international holiday. Then Malaysia tour package has all in it. There are many tour operators with custom-made services and ting of comfort added to every moment of your trip. So discover Malaysia through Malaysia tour package and give Malaysia tourism an opportunity to serve you and create memories of lifetime with your family and friends as Malaysia is the kind of place you have always dreamt of.
Our holiday was the most probable of the year for us. We made a plan, and investing time and money in order to succeed. Many of us choose ago about traveling to various sitting room and get a goal. Well, it’s a smart move, as well, and in this way you can research and learn a lot about what you do with your holiday. If you think to spend your honeymoon in the Malaysian tourism abroad waiting to be discovered by you.
Malaysia is located in Southeast Asia and is one of the best places to enjoy the holiday. It is visited by thousands of tourists every year and you will find a place like a carnival life. Malaysia honeymoon package is the best way to explore the prettiness of this place and will be mentioned below, the situation is you must visit.
Natural beauty of Malaysia
When is good shopping at low cost, cheap living in high-rated hotel and discover the natural beauty of the place in the hope certainly for you. You can in by climbing a journey to the city and also the capital of the country. The Petronas Twin Towers are the main attraction of Tourism Malaysia and they can be found standing at this point. This is the best place to try the grocery provisions, new and explore museums, nightlife and bars. A must visit if you are honeymoon packages in Malaysia.
These goals should be on your circuit if you want to visit the historical monuments and architecture of Malaysia. Francis Light, the Clock Tower, Penang town halls and many other places like these are worth a visit and a real insight into the Malaysia Tourism. If you are out there to spend your honeymoon, then you should head towards Georgetown for peace. This set also has many religious sites, if you want to dig into it.
If you want to visit to Cameroon Highlands, then this is the right place for you to visit. It is the fourth largest city in Malaysia definitely a destination for tourists as it offers a selection of adventures. You can choose to visit monuments go, or you can river rafting, caving, jungle trekking, etc. Definitely need to add your Malaysia honeymoon packages.
Strategically, located in between the intersection of the Indian Ocean and the China Sea is one of the hot spot for trade and commerce and it usually attracts quite a good number of travelers from different parts of the world. Thus with the impact or the authority brought by the traders and travelers, Malaysia today is well known all over the world as one of the rich diverse culture country and in fact it holds huge culture and religious attractions which is tempting thousands of tourist to it.
Topographically speaking, it is one of the most exciting countries that is partly located on a peninsula of the Asia mainland and partly on the northern third island of Borneo and so sightseeing and travel with Malaysia tour packages give mix experience of both modern and traditional lifestyle. It also shares border with different countries that is with Thailand, Singapore and also with Brunei and Indonesia and so you will find the culture has a great pressure from its surrounding neighboring culture, tradition and lifestyle.
Malaysia travel packages includes facilities to experience the high-tech city of Kuala Lumpur, remote but sparkling nature tropical islands of Langkawi, historical and royally hill stations of Genting and Cameron highlands which have been turn as an entertaining destinations are some of the famous sites offered by the tourism for city tour and entertainment. There are also still lots of striking places like Kelantan, Malacca, Negeri Sembilian, Penang, Perlis and other destinations to get into its culture and fascinating adventure world. Apart from the cite sites, tourist can also think of experiencing thrill of some of the oldest tropical rainforest area, enjoy the beautiful national parks and also plan for an exhilarating holiday getaway in friendly coastal Malaysia beaches.
For your knowledge, Malaysia package tours cater lots of facilities and services with lots interesting items for tourist. Travelling trip with gives you huge opportunities to travel round and get utmost delight and satisfaction and so is sure to create your trip special, go for it for better option.
Natural beauty of Malaysia
It is one of the only global cities where you will find rich hues of modernization along with rich heritage and it is one of the most populous cities in Malaysia horded by countless number of tourists. It is among the fastest growing metropolitan regions in the country that serves as the capital city for all international sporting, supporting and cultural events. It is also popular worldwide for its world’s highest twin tower known as the PETRONAS twin towers which is have become an iconic symbol of the country’s futuristic developments.
Our vacations are the most awaited part of the year for us. We have made plans and have invested time and money to make them successful. Many of us decide about travelling to a different location beforehand and choose a destination. Well, that is a smart move too and this way you can research and learn a lot about what to want to do with your holidays. If you are thinking of spending your honeymoon in a foreign country then Malaysia tourism awaits to be explored by you.
Malaysia is situated in South East Asia and it is one of the best acne to enjoy vacation. It is visited by thousands of international touristseach year and you would find the place to be a like a live carnival. Malaysia honeymoon package is the best way to walk around the beauty of this leave and below mentioned are the locations that you must visit.
Multi-ethnic, rich in culture and biodiversity, Malaysia is both a place you want to visit and don’t want to spoil by being an “ugly sightseer”.
By “spoil” I mean contribute to overdevelopment, thereby watering down the traditional culture or even destroying the nature that brought you here in the first place. “Ugly” tourism fails to respect the local culture or setting and rather draws people solely for its weather, waves and lightness on the wallet.
Ethical travel, on the other hand, does the turn around. The ethical tourist wants to give something back – and I don’t mean empty beer bottles or even some duty free shopping. The idea of right going to places of interest is not only to minimise the tourist’s negative impact on the target, but to try to make things better. An ethical holiday in Malaysia can take the form of volunteer vacations (volun-tourism), eco-tourism and sustainable travel. These categories can be distinct, but can also overlap considerably.
Let’s start with an ethical holiday bustle in Malaysia that doesn’t involve its incredible natural beauty. Hard to believe? Read on
Malaysia has different options for volun-tourism including working on organic farms, volunteering at organizations that protect endangered sea turtles from poachers, educational stays at chimp rehabilitation centers and more. These stints can be combined with eco holidays. A stay at an organic farm might follow or precede a jungle trek or river expedition. Some diving schools incorporate working with turtle conservation projects into their tricks
Other examples of volun-tourism include teaching English in grouping with environmental awareness and there are internships/positions available that can last several months. Alternatively another example would be to visit an uninhabited island to observe seahorses and spread awareness of their plight.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Natural beauty of China

Beauty could be simply skin-deep. but, it really is offered plenty of worth in certain career fields for example modeling, and performing. Given that most people are not born with the exact same level of excellence, improving the greatest functions is one way to check impressive. One feature within the body which can be enhanced perfectly will be the smile. Ideal the teeth and jaw line, may bring out there an attractive smile inside a person. Cosmetic dentistry is in fact a field where the particular dental offices cope with a number of methods to improve a good individual's smile. Triactol.
Cosmetic dental offices are often a couple of steps before regular dental offices. Cosmetic dental offices must be knowledgeable about dental enhancements, veneers, dental crowns, and dental bridges such as regular dental offices, however, as opposed to regular dental offices, they also cope with porcelain veneers, the teeth hair styling, restorative dentistry, bonding techniques, teeth bleaching, teeth bleaching equally surgically and cosmetically. Sufferers can pick the sort of cosmetic remedy that welfare all of them and seek advice from the scrupulous dentist. Triactol Reviews.
Natural beauty of China

Cosmetic dental offices which cope with veneers and dental enhancements supply a long term solution for anyone lacking several the teeth. The get price depends upon the types of materials used to make the enhancements, the particular laboratory useful for the making of the particular enhancements, and also the experience with the particular dentist. Usually, cosmetic dental offices might charge a bit more compared to the standard dental offices for these tasks. Nevertheless, cosmetic dental offices would be able to supply a far better dealing for this type of symptom in circumstances regarding numerous dental enhancements.
Cosmetic dental offices supply some superb treatments for hair styling curved, unequal or perhaps askew the teeth. Hair styling tooth within an grownup is usually completed with Invisalign, a good orthodontic treatment. This requires the particular patient's the teeth being fit individually together with supports that are made from translucent materials, as opposed to the standard steel ones. A couple of months regarding putting on different teams of aligners would certainly proper tooth gradually providing a perfect place. but, a regular trip to the particular orthodontist is usually recommended while using these aligners to make sure ideal alignment. Another way of this can be to make use of the particular porcelain veneers that are a significantly less complicated strategy to align the teeth and provide a just the thing smile

There is a good idea to tea, especially green tea, white tea antioxidant, anti-aging functions better, often drink on the skin look good. Visible tea beauty efficacy but very large. Tea cosmetics tea cleansing cream makeup water, tea, tea, tea, Tea front Whitening Cream SPF lotion, shampoo, tea, they all use the tea cosmetic effect, is safe, less irritation and other advantages. Have a look the following seven tea beauty.
The first plan, tea nutrition including water and lipid solubility of two parts, which are insoluble in water, no matter how many times has always been at residues in tea, so tea, eat in order to better absorb the tea diet.
Second spring snail, also known as the beauty of tea, suitable for making soup for beauty drinking. There are spring snail fried chicken shreds such as gift.
Third meter, liquid shampoo. The journey of the rush is straightforward to dry hair, gaunt. Use tea shampoo, can make the hair smooth and bright.
Natural beauty of China

Whether a particular China visa holder intends to continue to be in Southern, Jap, Coastal or other areas of China, your complete keep will be pampered with a variety of leisure facilities. China functions a assortment of up to date accommodation locations that can pay for a large amount of international China visa friends. A handful of of them may possibly be costly whilst bulk of them are cheaply rented. As a Chinese visa traveler, you will uncover a wonderful prescription just about everywhere you go.
So numerous caves abound in the whole of China than in any other country. Some visa for China tourists appreciate the fantasy supplied by the Reed Flute caves situated to the northwest aspect of Guilin. If I were one particular of the Chinese visa travelers, I would not overlook Reed Flute in my listing. It is created of block pillars and rock formations, its brilliant chandelier lights in the interiors are of fantastic charm to all visa for China keeping guest. It has reeds on its compounds which have been transformed into flutes – its brand can dictate this.
The Terracotta is a palatial heart in China, Xian and serves as a major tourist attraction spot for those who have currently obtained a Visa for China. Any Chinese visa holder who needs to acquire an additional serene atmosphere should elect Mt. Huashan (formerly known as Taihuashan) which is believed to contain divine powers. It is referred to the most precipitous mountain in the earth. In it are developed religious Pilgrims with obvious inside and exterior decors. Others incorporate Mt. Hengshan in Shanxi and Hunan, Mt. Songshan in Henan, Mt. Taishan in Shandong to form portion of the five sacred mountains in China. A visa for China operator can choose the mountain to go to.
Becoming in China is all enjoyable any China visa application consulates will give a best manual on how to purchase a China visa for all your journeys to China. You can sit and wander alongside the shores of Yangtze River, the 3rd greatest waterway in China. A lot of little rivers drain into Yangtze which takes h2o to the Pacific Ocean. It is surrounded by numerous mountains, hills, plains and other h2o places all in excess of. Water is believed to be a source of elegance and wisdom in China embrace this preciousness with a heat heart.
The author is associated to the internet site – Speedy Visas. A single of the leading firms and professionals in Indian Visa and China Visa.
Natural beauty of China

"Tourism is an industry that concerns a broad range of economic, social activities and, therefore, business interests. It cuts crosswise many policy areas for governments in Northeast Asia and that requires closer ties and committed cooperation," said Choi Hoon, director of the UNDP Tumen Secretariat. He explained that cross-border tourism provided the best opportunity to enhance the region's prosperity and security. The Greater Tumen plan is an intergovernmental cooperation mechanism in Northeast Asia. It is supported by the UNDP, and has four member countries, China, the ROK, Mongolia and Russia. It functions as a platform for economic cooperation in Northeast Asia and serves as a catalyst for policy dialogue in areas of transportation, energy, tourism, investment and environment. Tourism is booming in Northeast Asia. The Tumen River area is home to a wide variety of tourist attractions, ranging from spectacular natural beauty to heritage. The China National Tourism direction said that the Asia-Pacific region attracted 170 million international tourists annually and over half of them traveled to Northeast Asia. The region's annual average tourism growth rate reached 7.7 percent from 2000 to 2010. "China will consciously assume the responsibility of eliminating regional barriers and travel obstacles. And we will work together with other countries to push forward international tourism cooperation and make the region an eye-catching global tourist destination," said Wu Wenxue, senior official from China National Tourism Administration. Jilin province has developed 11 cross-border travel routes in the past decade. And the Democratic People's Republic of Korea "self-drive" program gained in popularity since its introduction in 2011, attracting 30,000 tourists from home and abroad, according to the Hunchun Tourism Bureau. Authorities have produced sightseer maps for Eastern Mongolia, the Yanbian Korean autonomous region, Russia's Primorsky Territory and the Rajin-Songbong area of the DPRK. James Macgregor, a UNDP tourism specialist, praised the region's vision. "Northeast Asia represents one of the fastest growing tourism destination regions in the world. The potential for establishing cross-border tourism is huge," he emphasized. But experts close to the industry warn that there are too many uncertain elements. Hong Kui, a travel agency manager, complained that the infrastructure was not ready to handle more international tourists.
There is a good idea to tea, especially green tea, white tea antioxidant, anti-aging functions better, often drink on the skin look good. Visible tea beauty efficacy but very large. Tea cosmetics tea cleansing cream makeup water, tea, tea, tea, Tea Mask Whitening Cream SPF lotion, shampoo, tea, they all use the tea cosmetic effect, is safe, less impatience and other advantages. Have a look the following seven tea beauty.
The first plan, tea nutrition including water and lipid solubility of two parts, which are insoluble in water, no matter how many times has always been at residues in tea, so tea, eat in order to better absorb the tea nutrition.
Second spring snail, also known as the beauty of tea, suitable for making soup for beauty drinking. There are spring snail fried rooster shreds such as gift.
Third meter, liquid shampoo. The journey of the rush is easy to dry hair, gaunt. Use tea shampoo, can make the hair smooth and bright.
Thanks for join me in sharing this beautiful article. I am very grateful to your friend!
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The giant panda is universally loved. Their symbolic black and white fur-color distinguishes them well from any other animals. Giant Panda, with only about one thousand left in the wild, is also the most well known endangered animal in the world. Also more than 80% of giant pandas left in the world are living in and around Sichuan.
The lovely pandas win the state the reputation of “the Hometown of Giant Pandas”. Wolong Nature coffers and Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding are the paradise of giant pandas. By care and support from all over the world, the Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding and Conservation has been set aside in Chengdu with the largest scale and most up to date facilities. Loving nature and protecting our environment are the common responsibility borne upon on the mankind.
In the environment suitable for pandas to live, tourists will enjoy beautiful natural scenery as well.
Wolong Giant Panda hold back Centre
The Wolong Giant Panda Reserve Centre is one of the earliest research bases reputable in the early 1980s by the Government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Until 1989, the Ministry of Forestry of PRC and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) formulated a long-term Giant Panda Management Plan.
Today, the Wolong Giant Panda set aside Centre has become the Giant Panda Breeding Centre focusing on research works on giant panda breeding and bamboo ecology.
The Centre basically takes care of giant pandas under three situations:
-When the giant pandas are brought up from incarcerated breeding, -When the giant pandas are somehow dispersed from the group, or are rescued from injury, -and have lost the ability to survive if released back to the wild,-When the giant pandas are ready to be at large back to to the wild
The Centre has two types of ‘accommodations’ for giant pandas – the Captive Cages and the Semi-nature Enclosures. Most of the giant pandas in the Centre stay individually in the in prison cages, which are in fact large enclosures, each consists of an in-door room and an out-door courtyard.
The semi-nature enclosures are very huge wild areas but protected by border fences. Those giant pandas that will soon be released back to the wild will be put in the semi-nature enclosures for a long enough period of time for them to adapt to the natural environment. Although food has to be provided, the oversize pandas will sleep there, eat there and recover their natural survival skills there until they can be released back to the wild.
Natural beauty of China
Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, or simply Chengdu Panda Base, is a non-profit research and breeding facility for giant pandas and other rare animals. It is located in Chengdu. Chengdu Panda Base was founded in 1987. It started with 6 giant pandas that were rescued from the wild. By 2007, it has had 110 panda births, and the captive panda population has grown to 62. Its stated goal is to “be a world-class explore facility, conservation education center, and international educational tourism target.”
Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding is situated on the Axe Hill 10 kilometers from the north suburb of Chengdu City. It covers an area of 600 acres. The environment here is exquisitely designed; the air is refreshing with the bamboo growing luxuriantly and flocks of wild birds flying around.
You are able to see Pandas almost in their natural environment as they have plenty of space around them. They are completely incredible to watch. They spend most of their day eating wicker; in fact they get through about 50 kilos a day! As well as the giant pandas there is also an enclosure for the smaller red panda, which is about the size of a fox and moves much more quickly. Both of the Pandas look like some Disney cartoon creature, rather than a wild animal. They are fascinating to watch.
One of the biggest attractions is the Panda nursery where you can watch the baby pandas through glass in their playpens. You are not allowed to photograph the baby pandas, as the flash can hurt their eyes. Many of you may have been excited by a pair of giant pandas in the zoo. Despite of their laziness, they are cute and charming. Every movement of them looks so funny but humane. But, imagine there are at one time over twenty giant pandas peripatetic in front of you. Would you gape …… or scream? Let’s come to the home of pandas and join in this China Panda Tour so as to know more about them and do more to protect the nature.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What is natural beauty?

Natural beauty could be defined in many ways by many people. I am always curious to see what people say is a definition of natural beauty. Is it the exact location of a woman's eyes, nose and mouth in correlation with eachother, or it is a woman complextion, or maybe her state of mind? Her essense? What is natural beauty? In every culture it is defined differently. I would love to see images of natural beauty and add the ethnicity of the woman. Everyone has time to share a little beauty, what is yours?
“Beauty”, as they say “is in the eye of the beholder”. Or at least, so the famous saying goes. Whilst it is certainly true that everyone has their own opinion on just exactly what natural beauty or even just beauty might be, it is certainly possible to point people in the right direction or to at least shed some light on what the idea of beauty is, or at least entails.

Beauty of nature
This is just a quick guide to providing you with a slight inkling of what natural beauty might be. It is in no way a one hundred percent straight and true definition, because anyone with any ounce of sense or intelligence about their person can understand that with something as ephemeral or intangible as beauty, there can be no one true definition. Actual definitions stand as something else entirely; for example, Beauty is commonly defined as being a quality or “thing” that is present in something (not just restricted to people, but things/places and the like as well) that exhibits upon the mind a intense pleasure or satisfaction, perhaps similar to the sensation of organic bedding, but – you know – from a mental aspect. Essentially, when a quality of something makes you feel good.
Natural Beauty.
On the other end, Natural is commonly defined as being – somewhat obviously – a thing that pre-exists or is formed by nature itself, or even something which pertains to the nature of the universe of planet (evidently, this would be used in reference to geographical locations or such). So, if you were running by a logical definition, then mayhap you would look to the above two definitions to help clarify matters. In essence, you might find that Natural Beauty would be something that occurs via nature – something that need no art or craft in order to enhance it – and something that is rather mentally pleasing to look at in some way, shape, or form.
The truth of the matter is probably closer to that the term “natural beauty” is bandied about by an increasing number or sources (the media, word of mouth, articles all over – maybe even this one), that it might seem like it is done so ad infinitum (or perhaps ad nauseum) and loses meaning. However, the colloquial acceptance of the phrase has come to mean someone that can look beautiful without doing anything to enhance their own appearance. Forget the supermodels that spend hours upon hours applying makeup, tans, fake nails, fake hair, fake personality, being told how to stand and who to talk to; someone in possession of natural beauty does not need any of that to look the way they do, they just effortlessly pull it off.
Enhancing Beauty?
That aside, whilst natural beauty may not require enhancement, those who are “naturally beautiful” commonly opt for makeup and other “beauty enhancers” in a similar vein, but not in a manner akin to the aforementioned supermodels, who tend to over-apply everything in abundance. It never hurts to gently enhance that which is already beautiful to make it even more so, is the ideology behind things here. Instead of opting for the harsh, man-made items that are commonly found at the disposal of people who seek beauty on terms that are unrealistic to most, it is not beyond the means of mortal man (or woman) to enhance one’s own natural beauty…well…naturally.
Natural beauties instead go for a more muted approach to their appearance: less makeup, lighter styling, or simply just methods that blend in more with the “natural” order of things. For example, man-made and horribly fake-looking things are out and natural products, remedies, and beauty-enhancers are in. It is even possible to look at it in terms of natural products are the product of choice for natural beauties, at least with regards to how they look after themselves. Their products (hair, face, or otherwise) will tend to heavily feature all-natural ingredients and extracts and all combine to create a relatively simple – yet nevertheless still beautiful – effect. Included in this might be the decision to not use hairspray, but an organic shampoo/conditioner, combined with a simplistic-but-effect hair style; something for everyday use that still looks great. After all, appearance for those with a natural beauty tends to be what feels good and what is functional over anything more elaborate; lending credence to the adage that those who feel good often look good as well.

Batural beauty
Going natural, however, is not quite as easy as it seems because there is no clear definition of 'natural'. Although many manufacturers may use the term on their product labels, this doesn't necessarily guarantee as much as you might think. A product may boast that it is 'natural' simply because it contains one or more plant-derived ingredients. However, this is often in addition to the synthetic substances in its base formula. Hypoallergenic products are often no closer to 'natural' either. Their label only means that the manufacturer believes the product to have less chance of causing allergic reactions than other products. Because there are no regulatory standards for this claim, it often only indicates that the manufacturer has left out a problem-causing ingredient. Similarly, products claiming to have been allergy-tested, dermatologist-tested or sensitivity-tested carry no guarantee that they will not produce an adverse reaction.
I was out with friends recently and during dinner; the term “natural beauty” became a hot topic for debate. Natural beauty has been defined in many ways by many people and yet, there is still not one clear definition of what it is or should be. Everyone has a different opinion of what it means, or what they perceive it to be.
Are you the natural beauty whose physical features are aesthetically appealing to the eye or are you the one who uses products only acquired from nature? Are you the one who finds beauty in all things just the way they are or do you believe that anything can be improved upon?

Natural beauty
What then really is the definition of natural beauty? I tried looking up the term in the dictionary, but could not come up with one clear-cut explanation so I looked up both words (thank goodness for Google) and this is what I came up with: Natural Beauty is the inherent sense of the right quality or qualities that gives pleasure to the beholder. In other words, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” whatever you interpret natural beauty to be, then it is.
For me, I believe it is the essence of our fundamental nature as human beings, that in itself it’s truly a beautiful thing. It comes from within; it’s evident in your outward physical appearance. It translates into the way you carry yourself, in your style of dress, your hairstyle, your strut, your everyday mannerisms…it is your individuality. What you feel on the inside will manifest itself on the on the outside letting your natural beauty will shine through.
Now, that’s not to say we can’t all do with a little help every now and again. I have always been in to all kinds of beauty products especially anything to do with natural beauty ever since my mother used Shea butter on my skin when I was growing up. And now, that I am a mother of a young daughter, it is very important to pass down to her the same message of beauty my mother instilled in me.
Also having a line of organic skin care products helps me to teach that message not only to my daughter, but to everyone. I love to be able to make products that are natural and can enhance our natural beauty.
So, what do you think? What does Natural beauty mean to you? Do you fit your theory of a natural beauty? How has that term shaped your very existence? As always Id love to hear from you – send me an email  or leave me a message on Facebook
I bang on all the time about “natural” beauty and “natural beauty” products. Turns out, there is no legal definition for the word “natural” so it’s important that I clarify what I mean by this. When I purchase beauty products I look first at the ingredient list and try to select products with the highest quantity of naturally-derived ingredients and the lowest quantity of synthetic ingredients. At the same time I look at other factors like the length of the ingredient list (the fewer the better) and try to avoid the usual nasties like sulphates, parabens, formaldehyde, phthalates, and any chemicals containing “eth” in the name. Then finally I look at the performance of the product. Does it live up to my expectations? This process is a little subjective at times, but for a little more objectivity I don’t use any products that contain an ingredient rated 7 or higher in the    It can be challenging to balance all of these things and there is a lot of grey area. However I don’t beat myself up about it, sometimes it just comes down to a judgement in the moment of purchase. I might change my mind later, or bin the product.
The second component of natural beauty to me is making the most of what god gave you and doing what you can do to enhance it (read don’t cover it up with loads of war paint). I take offense to the stripping, bedazzling, and painting of female private parts. On a lesser scale I take offense to fake nails with brightly covered pictures painted on. My beauty icons are the Hepburns (Audrey and Katharine), Lauren Hutton, and Christy Turlington. Smart, fun, and sexy. They are also women that you can really look up to. Did you ever notice a woman looks more beautiful when she smiles, and can be downright intoxicating when she laughs? That’s because it’s at those moments when her inner soul bubbles up to the surface. Unfortunately you rarely find these sorts images captured on film and presented in fashion magazines. Instead we’re bombarded with the images of stick-thin pouty teenagers. It’s a real travesty on the part of women everywhere that there is such a narrow version of beauty portrayed in magazines, media, and internet.
Going natural, however, is not quite as easy as it seems because there is no clear definition of 'natural'. Although many manufacturers may use the term on their product labels, this doesn't necessarily guarantee as much as you might think. A product may boast that it is 'natural' simply because it contains one or more plant-derived ingredients. However, this is often in addition to the synthetic substances in its base formula. Hypoallergenic products are often no closer to 'natural' either. Their label only means that the manufacturer believes the product to have less chance of causing allergic reactions than other products. Because there are no regulatory standards for this claim, it often only indicates that the manufacturer has left out a problem-causing ingredient. Similarly, products claiming to have been allergy-tested, dermatologist-tested or sensitivity-tested carry no guarantee that they will not produce an adverse reaction.

Natural beauty
I get tired of seeing unrealistic images everywhere presented as real. Some images show women with necks that are longer than necks can be and waists that are thinner than waists can be and skin that is more even in tone than anyone’s skin can be, ever, and present this as real. I don’t think that sort of retouching is bad in and of itself. If you want to make models look like Barbies for your art, make models look like Barbies! That could be fun art or cool ads. The problem is that it has become so prevalent, it is misperceived as realistic. A physically impossible standard has been created and is the norm in advertising that is everywhere.
It’s sad not only for the women who feel shitty about themselves because they don’t measure up, but also for the dudes who believe the lie, too. I’m sure not many women feel bad for guys who harshly judge women’s looks and bodies. I didn’t used to–how could I feel sorry for someone that made me feel bad about myself? Now I’m at a point where a dude can’t make me feel bad about myself (at least not in that way). With my insecurities removed from the picture, I can see the sadness on their side of the situation too. Dudes in that mindset of wanting to obtain the physically ideal female are going to feel just as shitty and unfulfilled as women wanting to be the physically ideal female. They are striving for something equally unrealistic. Being judged sucks, but guess what? Adopting a mindset that is constantly criticizing and judging sucks too. That isn’t a happy, content place to be mentally and won’t lead to deep, loving relationships.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Natural beauty of India

.Kerala's backwaters is the most fascinating attraction for the tourists in Kerala India. The palm-lined, serene backwaters were once just Kerala's trade highways. The back waters refer to the large inland lakes of Kerala. Kerala lives along these backwaters. The backwaters & lakes of Kerala have commanded its history, shaped her here and promise a future by ethics of gift matchless beauty and outstanding experiences.
 Loleygaon  is a stunning offbeat  tourist destination.If you are looking for a break from the modernized travel destinations and want to pay out few leisurely days in the vast natural canvas thrown open before you ,Loleygaon is the best bet.Nestled atop of
a flat hill on a forested at an height of 5500 ft.Loleygaon/Lolegaon is a place of ethereal wilderness & tranquility.Basically a small Lepcha village also known as Kafer,Lolegaon is a new inclusion in tourism map for its magnificent view of greater Himalayan snow
range over the entire horizon.Viewing sunrise over the snow peaksfrom Jhandidara a wooded hilltop- is perhaps the most treasured memory  of being at Loleygaon.In a clearday  all major peaks of  kanchenjunga massif can be seen from Jhandidara.Even the glorius Mt.Everest  can be seen from Jhandidara(Jhandi-Flag,Dara-Top) as your eyes clean across the layers of mountain & valleys  and reach at the distant corner, where the highest peak in the world is touch  by the first rays of  the Sun.
Loleygaon is a fabulous destinations for the lovers of wildlife in their natural habitat.The age old forest of  towering pine,cypress & oaks with their mossytrunk is an ideal place for endangered Himalayan species like black bear and mountain goats,numerous colourful birds,butterflies & rare orchids. The Heritage Forest at 10 minutes on foot distance is the place to feel the exquisite wealth that nature has showered here. The recently built wooden hanging foot bridge over canopy of the huge vegetation is a special attraction. Popularly known as ‘The Canopy Walk’ offers anunforgettable experience, which allows you to get close to the trees.Loleygaon offers some exciting short treks in the remoteKalimpong Hills.A day trek to Samthar or Rally in the unseen lower Himalayas can be a real opportunity to know the different aspects of lives in Indian Countryside.


Accessibility : Loleygaon can be reached from Siliguri with a 4 hrs. drive  covering 124 kms. Via Kalimpong and Lava.Kalimpong, the nearest town, 55 kms. from Loleygaon.One can visit also Rishap alongwith Lava & Kalimpong
Kerala's palm-lined backwaters are domestic lakes connected by a network of canals. With 41 westward-flowing rivers, the backwaters of Kerala extends to almost 1,900 km. Since centuries, the backwater routes of Kerala have been used for all carrying needs, in meticulous trade in coconut, rubber, rice and spices. At present, these waterways connect remote villages and islands to the mainland and nerve centers of the coastal regions.
  Kollam Backwaters in Kerala, India, is one of the exciting Kerala backwater destination. It is located at the distance of 74 kilometer north west of Thiruvanathapuram. It is the gateway to the backwaters of Kerala. Kollam was the imperative erstwhile trading canter on the Malabar coast in the ancient times. In the earlier days traders from far away places such as the Phoenicia, Arabia, Greece, Rome and China used to visit Kollam. Portuguese also established a trading port here. Later on the Britishers set up the factories at Kollam to sell overseas spices, sandalwood, ivory and coir. Kollam was formerly known as Quilon.
kumarakom Backwaters are the group of islands on the Vembanad Lake in the state of Kerala in India. It is located at the distance of 16 km from the district of Kottayam. This beautiful water world is paradise of mangrove forests, emerald green green paddy fields and coconut grooves. It is a destination of great natural good looks and you are sure to be enchanted by the good-looking scenery around the Kumarakom backwaters on the tour to Kerala.
India is one of the world's most beautiful countries. This makes it a popular aim for tourists. The country is blessed with an abundance of attractions. Differing and plentiful diversions vie with each other leaving a tourist spoiled for choices - a rich traditional cultural heritage, an ancient historical background, diverse religions and their customs and absurd natural beauty. The latter is because of its geographic location. This offers a tourist multiple options catering to every preference. Any part of India you visit will bear witness to this surfeit of incredible beauty and diverse cultural heritages. The environment is truly magical and the cherished memories you gain will abide with you for a lifetime.

Natural beauty of India

Whichever direction you travel to - north, south, east or west, India offers unparalleled charms and unique beauty. In the south you are in the state of Kerala one of the most popular locations for tourists and a place from where they commence their holiday. Millions of tourists that visit every year are awed by the incredibly fascinating backwaters, the pristine beaches and other attractions. Travel a little in the inner to the formidable western ghats, a lengthy mountain range blessed with thick rainforest and teeming with wildlife and manicured tea gardens. Tourists are never disappointed when they visit what is known as 'God's Own Country'.
The north of the country has a allure of its own - scenic beauty of another sort, folk and traditional cultural art. Here a tourist is captivated by the perfumed charm of the exotic hills and astounding panoramic views. The names of the various destinations roll off your tongue: Shimla, the winter capital during the colonial days, Darjeeling at the foothills of the Himalayas from where you can see the peak of Mount Everest on a clear day, hill stations like Nainital, Mussorie and Dehra Dun, the hill state of Sikkim ... the list is endless. You could take a trip on the world heritage, century-old toy train to Darjeeling pulled by a wood-fired steam engine. Nainital offers a memorable boating trip on the famed Naini lake. Mussorie, now a honeymoon destination, has an abundance of stories of the Raj when the British adopted it as a popular getaway from the baking summer heat of the plains. Every place you visit is singularly different.
On the west coast the untouched beaches of Goa are a paradise. Bask in the sunbeams and enjoy the refreshing breezes off the Arabian sea. Catch the rumbling waves or just relax, mesmerized by the sigh of the wind through the palm trees. Goa is an incredibly popular destination for tourists and honeymooners alike. A visit to Goa is an awesome practice.
India is known for its fairs and festivals at different times in the year and in diverse locales. The country is endowed with architectural splendors dating back thousands of years, and of course the breathtaking Taj Mahal of comparatively recent origin.
There is always great unique about India that attracts hordes of tourists each and every year. Whether it is culture, art or history, India has always been in the forefront. India finds itself best expressed in its geographical diversity and if you are an ardent lover of nature, then India can best be discovered through the eco tours. The eco tours in India have gained immense popularity among the travelers and are the ideal tools to get up close and personal with nature during your vacations. Nature going to places of interest in India has always been a much discussed topic since long and the improvement in the infrastructure and transportation has entailed an unprecedented influx of the tourists. Eco tourism has helped the travelers not only to enjoy the sublime natural beauty but also has broadened the knowledge area regarding nature through valuable education. These tours will take you into the wilderness where nature finds its true expression. Intimate encounters with nature will de stress both your mind and body.
If you are considering eco tours in India then Kerala features in the topmost class. The tree houses of Kerala are known to be some of the beast resorts that are built in the ethnic Kerala style and have all the modern facilities. Feel the rustic essence of Kerala alive in the traditional Kerala houses complete with maachas. The eco tour packages to India are prepared so as to incorporate all the elements of comfort just for making the eco tours an exclusive event for the travelers.

There are also the facilities for wildlife tours in India that would take you into the unexplored region of the woods. A stroll through the picturesque forest trail leading and ascending through the hilly terrain into the wilds is going to be regularly enchanting. A bracing climate, the dancing reeds and meandering streams are going to make your eco tours in India even more enjoyable.

The northern region of India is also well-known for its natural diversity and you can make your way to several wildlife sanctuaries of Rajasthan that are the natural habitats of exquisite flora and fauna. The jeep safari and nature walks are the ideal choices to enjoy the natural beauty. There are many tents and cottages that are available inside the sanctuary and natural parks providing requisite facilities and amenities to the discerning travelers. So during your vacations this year, just be ready to experience the opulence of nature through the interesting eco tours in India.
ndia has been gifted by nature enormous beauty of nature. In India, You will explore natural beauty not only exterior but also inner.
You will enjoy natural beauty of Leh and Ladakh as well as trekking. If you are fun fond and daring, then never forget to do trekking and you will definitely love it. If you are looking for ice and somewhat cool- cool weather then Jammu and Kashmir is right choice for you. You will feel that its true said that it is ecstasy on earth.

Natural beauty of India

Kashmir is also famous for its lake and fine arts including poetry and handicrafts. If you are fond of beaches and ocean, then go to Goa. If you are lover of quest and want to feel essence of nature then India has enough to offer you.

The high mountains offer you plenty of scope for trekking and mountaineering. From snow enclosed mountain peaks to fertile green Kerala, from beautiful beaches to spectacular backwaters, incredible forts to splendid palaces, exquisite lakes to eternal rivers, adventurous and beautiful hill stations to exhilarating wildlife sanctuaries, from fairs and festivals to art and culture, Incredible India is a country which is best place for dream holiday or family vacation.
The site, India Kerala, offers a kaleidoscopic overview of the natural beauty and richness of Kerala, God's own country as a travel tour to Kerala, god's own country, positioned in south India, India would reveal. The site, India Kerala, offers a golden opportunity to the willing traveler and tourist to undertake a travel tour to Kerala, god's own country to have a taste of the natural beauty and resplendence of Kerala, located in south India, India.
A travel tour to be accosted by the natural beauty of Kerala, would include a whole lot of natural bounty in the form of the azure waters by the side of the sandy spoils of beaches in Kerala, located in south India, India, and a rich tapestry of wildlife nestled amidst the hills and plantations in the sylvan surroundings of the order of Munnar, Idduki, Periyar, Coorg and other places of the same ilk.
Water bodies and the scattered islets of the order of Kumarakom, Vembanad Lake, Champpakullam, an island hamlet, Kumarakom bird sanctuary and Marrai beach in Alleppey, lead to an increment in the natural beauty of Kerala, but, it is the snake boat races of Alappuzha which have given a lorish stature to the natural beauty of Kerala, located in south India, India. The Chundan Valloms or the well oiled large boats, bedecked in battle gears are the hallmark imagery attached to backwaters of Alappuzha which is a chief and primordial part of natural beauty of Kerala, god's own country, located in south India, India.
The racers are all local warriors who live and prepare the boats together for the annual boat regalia. Nehru trophy boat race and Aranmula boat race are the two most popular races along with one long list of other less popular ones, which a willing traveler is bound to come to know about, on a travel tour to the backwaters of Alappuzha in god's own country, Kerala, south India, India 

Natural beauty of India

Idukki as a fabled hill resort in Kerala, god's own country, located in Kerala, in south India, India, is houses the largest wild life sanctuary in India, which has an expanse of approximately 777 Kilometers in the district's woody land. Animal life of the order of Deer, Giant, and Malabar Squirrel abound in plenty in this scenic hill station in India. A tour to Kerala's natural beauty and wildlife would reveal even richer places that quadruple the beauty of Kerala, as a travel tour to Kerala, god's own country, in south India, India reveals. A travel tour to Kerala's natural beauty and wildlife showcases the model Elephant rides, which act as the trademark beauty of Kerala, god's own country, located in south India, India. Periyar wildlife sanctuary is another of those attractions in the rich circuit of natural beauty, which is home to creatures of the order of elephants, leopards and tigers.
Periyar wildlife sanctuary has led to the food and the final success of Project Tiger, which began in the year, 1979. A travel tour to Kerala's natural beauty and wildlife would show that the wildlife sanctuary is home to other species of animals like, Nilgiri wood pigeon, the magnificent thrushes and the strikingly agile flycatchers which add stars to the natural beauty of Kerala, god's own country, located in south India, India
The site, India Kerala, offers tour booking and travel packages to the places rich in natural beauty in Kerala, god's own country, located in south India, India. Additional information can be gleaned from the site by filing in the following form. Following links can be used up for convenience. 
India is a land with great visiting the attractions potential. It’s a land with dazzling beaches, dramatic temples, exotic rain forests, colossal mountains, eternal deserts, lively cities, and the Indian peninsula creates an ultimate allure for the travellers across the globe. Vivid and diverse in culture, tradition and language, India is bestowed with rich natural beauty that adds to its tranquillity. The quaint hill stations, the pristine beaches, the unique and peaceful pilgrim destinations, the vast deserts, historical buildings to contemporary structures and from snow capped mountains to boat rides on the peaceful backwater yards; India is a land of endless opportunities for explorers of peace and poise. If traditional destinations don’t fancy you enough, we have compiled a list of best of India travel offbeat destinations for you.